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Jr. Sr. High School

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Walking History

It has been great to see Walking Wednesdays evolve throughout the years. Founded in 2003 By John Bernardo the progam was designed to combat childhood obesity and develop healthy lifestyles in the community. Following Mr. Bernardo's retirement, the program continued for the next decade directed by John Allison and Shay French with participation reaching an average of 120 walkers each Wednesday.  The program has had as many as 400 walkers for special events reaching this pinnacle on two occasions. The Walking Wednesday's legacy continued for another 8 years under the supervision of Amy Glasl, Dan Hawkins and Shay French. In 2014 the event walked for all 9 months of the school year weather permitting demonstrating the true grit of our students who participated. The program returned to seasonal walking the next year. In 2018 Mr. Vizza, Mr. Cherubini and Mrs. Martini joined Mr.French, continuing the program's more than 15 year legacy. The program averages about 60 walkers per week.

Safety First

For those who choose to depart from the Brockway Presbyterian Church Parking Lot please follow these drop-off procedures:

  1.  Pull all the way into the parking lot from Main Street only (onto McKay Way) and follow the traffic director as to where she would like for you to drop your student off.
  2. Have the students exit the vehicle on the drivers side only so they do not have to cross in front of your vehicle or anyone else’s vehicle
  3. Then drive straight through and exit. 
  4. Stay in line with other vehicles, do not swing around and pass other vehicles
  5. Caution:  Students must be dropped off in The Brockway Presbyterian Church Parking Lot only.  Additionally no one should ever be dropped off on Main Street.   Please for everyone’s safety take the extra time to pull in to the church parking lot and safely drop off your child/children.
  6. No one is permitted to be dropped off from 8th Avenue….all Brockway Presbyterian Church walkers MUST BE dropped off from Main Street onto McKay Way.

General Rules for the safety of everyone If you arrive at one of our walking school bus stops and the Walking Bus has already left…travel to the next designated site to drop your child off. Do not stop on Main Street and allow your child/children to exit the vehicle on Main Street so that they can join in.  Allow them to join in safely by dropping them off at our next pick-up point.Finally, we ask everyone to follow these general rules during the walk:

  • Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  • Stay out of property owner’s  yards
  • No running. After all it is WALKING WEDNESDAY
  • Let our parent volunteers walk on the outside of the sidewalks, students walk the insides..NO STUDENTS SHOULD WALK ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE CURB
  • Do not pass the Walking School Bus leader, as they should be the first to cross all intersections to insure the safety of others to cross without incident.
  • Anyone who does not follow the rules may be asked to no longer walk with us during Walking Wednesdays
  • Listen to our parent volunteers!  They are to be given the utmost respect.  Our volunteers are the eyes and ears of our Walking Wednesdays.  A negative report from them to Mr. French or Mrs. Patricelli could result in your removal of the program.  Our number #1 job is to keep everyone safe!




WALKING Schedule

Drop off:

Presbyterian Church from 7:20-7:30 am

Students should not be dropped off Presbyterian Church prior to 7:20 AM as their will not be supervision present.


Presbyterian Church at 7:30 am

(With Mr. Vizza and Mrs. Martini)


Broad Street Day Care at 7:35 am

(With Mr. French)


Brockway Municipal Building

at 7:40 am

Across from the Post Office
at 7:50 am

*Brockway Area Elementary at 7:55 am

Seasonal Walking Calendar

Fall Walking

All Wednesdays September - October

Spring Walking

All Wednesdays April - May

Walking Wednesdays allow all who participate to start their day off with fun, fitness and their friends.  Science has shown that starting your day with fitness increases attention levels in everyone for the remainder of their day.  This in turn leads more time on task and greater learning.