High school students are encouraged to read at least 25 minutes each week during the summer. This log is to be returned to the student’s English teacher by the end of the second week of school. Completion will be rewarded with ten bonus points or one homework pass in English class.
SAT Preparation
Any student in grades 10 - 12 is eligible to sign-up for the free SAT Prep Course through our Cyber Academy. Students take a Pre-test in the various areas of Math, Reading as well as Writing and Language Arts. The Program then focuses on the skills they need to work on. It then gives them a tutorial on that area and practice tests to strengthen their skills. It is very individualized and self-paced. Students looking to improve their SAT scores should take advantage of this opportunity. We also offer an in class SAT Prep course that syncs students' 10th grade PSAT score with Khan Academy to provide individualized practice problems. See Mrs. McKinley, Lab 405 or Mrs. Anderson, Guidance for details.
After School Tutoring
Having trouble in a class? Now is the time to get some help. After school tutoring is available in all subject areas. Stay as long as you need Monday through Thursday from 3:15 until 4:15.
The Brockway Pennsylvania Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a systematic team process used to mobilize school resources to remove barriers to learning. SAP is designed to assist in identifying issues including alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and mental health issues which pose a barrier to a student’s success. The primary goal of the Student Assistance Program is to help students overcome these barriers so that they may achieve, advance, and remain in school. While Student Assistance Programs exist in other areas of the country, the structure and operation of the program in Pennsylvania is a unique expression of an integrated model serving the needs of Brockway families and students.
The core of the Student Assistance Program is a professionally trained team, including school staff and liaisons from community drug and alcohol and mental health agencies. SAP team members are trained to identify issues, determine whether or not the presenting issue lies within the responsibility of the school, and to make recommendations to assist the student and the parent. When the issue lies beyond the scope of the school, the SAP team will assist the parent and student so they may access services within the community. SAP team members do not diagnose, treat or refer to treatment; but they may refer a student to a liaison who may screen or assess for further community based services and support. Please contact Mrs. Donlin at the High School for more information.
Course Selection Guide 2024/25 School Year
Attention Parents and Students:
The Course Selection Guide for the 2024/25 school year is available for you to review. This guide lists all of the courses offered at the high school along with a brief description of each. Course selection sheets will soon be distributed to students and we encourage all parents and students to use this guide as an aid in choosing courses for next year. In addition, flowcharts for English, math, science, music and social studies have been developed to show you the recommended progression that students should follow in these areas throughout their high school career. We hope that you find this guide useful and invite you to call the appropriate grade level counselor with any questions.
Agriculture Flowchart | |
Art/Music Flowchart | |
Course Selection Guide | English Flowchart |
Math Flowchart | |
Science Flowchart | |
Social Studies Flowchart |
FOCUS Portal
The Jr./Sr. High School has an online grading program that will increase the opportunity for parental involvement in each student's education. The FOCUS Portal allows parents to login, via the Internet, to their student's account. Through the account, the parents will have access to their student's schedule, grades, assignments, and attendance for each class. Any parent who has not yet received a login and is interested in receiving one may stop in or call the High School Office (265-8414) between 8:00 and 3:30 daily. Students who need login information can stop in at the guidance office.
Get the FOCUS Mobile App
Search your Apple or Google Store for FOCUS PA
The App is called Focus Pennsylvania. Select the Brockway School District