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Jr. Sr. High School

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Picture Day Thursday September 5th

STEELS Curricular Resources

Where to Find the STEELS Standards

    1. STEELS Hub on SAS
    2. Consolidated Foundation Boxes
    3. STEELS NGSS Standards Codes Comparisons
    4. RIU6 STEELS Acronym List - Cheat Sheet
    5. StemTeachingTools.org - NGSS Bookmarks, Talk Moves, & More!
    6. STEELS Crosswalk Reports from WestEd
      1. Informational Slidedeck
      2. STEELS T&E and NGSS Crosswalk Report
      3. STEELS EL&S and NGSS Crosswalk Report
  1. Phenomenon & NGSS Lessons Resources
    1. Phenomena Finder - University of Illinois Project
    2. NGSS Examples of Quality Lessons - NGSS Website
    3. The Phenomenon Master List - The Wonder of Science
    4. NGSS Phenomena - Database
    5. NGSS Storylines - NextGen Storylines
    6. WPSU PBS Science Resources
  2. Free Regional Lending Libraries
    1. PennWest Clarion Science in Motion Project
    2. RIU6 STEAM Lending Library

High-Quality Instructional Materials Worth Considering

  1. PhD Science (K-5)
  2. Solid Start (K-2) - Free to Download
  3. Sprocket (3-8) - Free to Download - Project-based Learning Curriculum
  4. Activate Learning Prime (K-5)
  5. MySci - Washington U (K-8)
  6. Amplify Science(K-8)
  7. OpenSciEd (6-12) - Free to Download - K-5 release starting Summer 2024
    1. OSE Kit Providers
    2. A+ Science Price Lists for Grades 6-12 Kits - K-5 Coming Soon
      1. IU6 Schools Receive a 10% Discount. Willing to build customized kits.
  8. InquiryHub (Bio & Chem) - Free to Download
  9. Discovery Ed Mystery Science (K-5) - PAIU Consortium Pricing Available
    1. **Discovery Education STEELS Channel**
  10. EiE/YES: K-8 Engineering Curriculum- Now Free to Download!

Assessment Resources +

NGSS Aligned Assessments from Other States

    1. High Quality NGSS Aligned Tasks
    2. Task Annotation Project
    3. Next Generation Science Assessment Tasks
    4. Tennessee Task Library
    5. PA Released Items & Scoring Samplers **Aligned to the Old Standards
    6. 4th & 8th Grade Science PSSA
    7. Biology Keystone
    8. NGSS Aligned Assessments from Other States
    9. Delaware - 5th, 8th, & Biology
    10. Iowa - 5th, 8th, & 10th <- Integrated HS Test
    11. New York - 5th & 8th
    12. Maryland - 5th, 8th, & Biology
    13. Massachusetts- 5th, 8th, Biology, & Physics
  1. Proposed Changes to Science PSSA - Pending Legislative Approval

RIU6 Action Planning Templates

  1. Teacher Action Plan Template
  2. Administrator Action Plan Template
  3. District / LEA Action Plan Template
  4. These are based on the Implementation Guides on the PDE STEELS Hub

Podcast Recommendations

  1. Teaching Science in 3D
  2. NGSS & Beyond
  3. Science Connections
  4. Science Friday